Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What Part of Motherhood Surprises Me?

Wow!  Before becoming a mom I thought how hard could it be to do it all.  Really all you needed was lots of love right?

Growing up I loved being around kids and loved the idea of being a mom.  My niece and nephews were awesome and I loved babysitting for other people's children.  I had ideas of all of the millions of books I would read with my own children and all of the fun games we would play.

Now I am a mother of three and here is a list of things that surprise me.

  • the never ending to-do list...there is always something I could be doing at home, for the kids, or with the kids
  • the amount of mental and physical energy it takes to raise three kids
  • the endless amount of laundry and dishes that need to be washed and put away
  • the constant range of emotions that can be felt in one day : happiness - love - frustration - impatience - sadness - surprise - fear - anticipation - optimism 
  • the endless moments of awe
  • the feeling of never being truly alone - there is always someone there (even if it just the dogs)
  • the constant need to make decisions, re-evaluate my decisions, and make new decisions
  • the lack of sleep ~ no one can truly describe what lack of sleep is like; I never knew how much I would miss sleeping in
  • the incredible bond I have with my children ~ now I understand how my mom knew me as well as she did; I think I know some of my kids moves before they know them
  • there are no sick days when you are a mom
  • how wonderful it is to hear "You are the best mommy in the whole world"
  • now I know what unconditional love is

What has surprised you about being a mom?

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