Friday, December 5, 2014

Getting Back on the Computer


I have let this blog fall to the wayside.   Lately however, I have had this nagging sense of needing to return to writing.

My relationship with writing goes back to when I was a little girl.  When I was bout 5 (in kindergarten) I wrote a story called, "A Man Named Dog."  I then remember in middle school keeping spiral notebook where I wrote my own stories.  My life as a writer was then nurtured by two fabulous teachers who turned me onto the idea of journalistic writing.

High school was also the time when I was accepted into the SC Governor's School for the Arts.  But instead fueling my passion for writing, it really caused me to feel like an imposter.  Someone who was pretending to be a writer..not a real writer.  I was intimidated by the others students who had these deep discussions about their writings and readings.  I felt I had nothing to contribute and my writing was elementary.

I retreated back to writing journalism, but eventually that got lost for my passion for education.

Through the years writing has popped up here and there and that is where we are today.

Over the past couple of weeks ideas about what I might like to write about.

I guess it is time for me to get back at the computer again.